bespoke Money pocket

Our fàc 2022 money pockets
full + half length / special paper, relief + gold foil printing

Dora & Byron
square red pockets - gold foil

Katrina & Ryan
full length and square red pockets - gold foil

sandy & Brian
half length red pockets / gold foil

our fàc 2021 money pockets
full + half length / gold + red + mermaid foil

the Hive @2021

half length red pocket / glittered red paper + gold foil

hmlet @2021
half length red pocket / gold foil

hmlet @2020
half length red pocket / glittered red paper + gold foil

luxe closet - online luxury shop

full length red pocket - normal printing + gold foil

full length and square red pockets - gold foil

full length forest green pockets - gold foil
Square gold pockets - gold foil

half length red pocket - gold foil

half length red pocket - gold foil

half length red pocket - gold foil

full length and square red pockets - gold foil

Square yellow gold and gold pockets - gold foil

more to come…

2023’s projects are on the way.
you will check out more works in coming months.
Stay tuned!